Richard Bucher

Executive Coach

Author of It’s Enough To Be On Your Way – Your Path To Purpose and Your Path to Purpose 2nd Edition, Richard is a credentialed Executive Coach with over 25 years of experience working with leaders and developing leaders to accelerate their growth and increase their impact. Engaging as a thinking partner and sounding board, he collaborates with the corporate sponsor and individual client to ensure execution will fulfill strategy and achieve the desired outcome.

Richard coaches leaders to make the implicit explicit; to validate assumptions; to “listen with the intent to understand” (Steven Covey) and communicate with clarity and intention. Using a suite of tools he develops the leader’s owner’s manual.

Richard guides the leader to establish or repair their brand; ensure their current trajectory aligns with their intended destination and that their behaviors and communication style support their mandated outcome. He works with individuals and teams to integrate their purpose, their job’s purpose, and their team’s purpose with that of the organization and its strategy.

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