Leadership Development Program

Charge Forward

Training & Development Program Information

Leaders are needed most during times of crisis, confusion, chaos, and change. This is precisely why a purely academic approach to leadership development fails in the field. True leadership development requires a very intentional and well-integrated combination of principles and practice, or – put another way, technical and soft skills. True leadership presence requires the emotional intelligence to survey situations, identify the emotional currency of all of the players involved, and make real-time strategic decisions that lead to action with the often limited (or at least incomplete) amount of information at their disposal.

Leadership Investment

Leadership Foundations & Personal Mastery 1

Our Leadership Acceleration program is designed to help employees master the foundations of leadership in a systematic program to build their confidence and design their leadership style. Our program includes:

  • Session One: Leadership purpose – finding your compelling why
  • Session Two: Leadership foundations – values and ethics
  • Session Three: Present state analysis – learning how to objectively and subjectively measure your leadership effectiveness and impact
  • Session Four: Leadership competencies and life balance assessment
  • Session Five: Motivational value system and behavioral awareness theory
  • Session Six: Tuckman’s model of team development
  • Session Seven: Barrett’s Spectrum of leadership model and personal Leadership Values Assessment (LVA)
  • Session Eight: Personal confidence, delivery, and awareness
  • Session Nine: Conflict stages theory and resolution
  • Session Ten: Group moderation and facilitation
  • Session Eleven: Meeting rhythm and structure
  • Session Twelve: Building high performing teams for the future

Upon completion of all program requisites (attendance at all sessions and demonstrated understanding of all concepts through the related exercises) a certificate of completion shall be issued to all participants. Should participants express that they need more time on a specific subject matter area or are struggling with the concepts discussed, more time will be allocated to that area at no additional expense, so long as such request is within reason.

Program details:

  • 6 months, structured as biweekly meetings (typically two hours) for a total of 24 instructional hours. Customizable based on the availability of course participants.
  • Access to tools used in the program, and certificate of completion upon satisfactory completion of all course requisites.
  • $7500 + GST for instruction (per person).